MA Medical Services

Class Enrollment

Class Registration
Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)
Date/Time: Call to schedule
Location: Call to schedule
Class Price: $1,500.00

The Certified Nurse Aide Certificate provides the skills, knowledge, and abilities essential to provide basic care to residents of long-term care facilities.  You will learn about resident rights, communication, safety, observation, and reporting.  You will learn to assist residents in maintaining basic comfort and safety.  You will also learn about the theory, concepts, and skills involving specialized materials, equipment, procedures, regulations, laws, and interactions within social systems associated with the nurse aide occupation.

You will be prepared for entry-level employment in long-term care facilities, doctor’s offices and hospitals. Income will depend on the area of employment chosen.


Successful completion of the Certified Nurse Aide certificate makes one eligible to take the State of Texas C.N.A. Certification Licensing Exam.


Before entrance into the program you must show proof of the following:

 1.  Immunizations: Hepatitis B series, measles,mumps,rubella,tetanus,and varicella  TB skin test (if positive a chest xray)

 2.  Social Security Card

 3.  Picture ID with Signature

 4.  16 years or older

 5.  Criminal background check

To pay cash for the course in person, use promo code "PAY CASH AT CLASS" when registering.

Will help to locate financing.